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o you think about the goals you set at the beginning of the year that you still need to achieve?

How would you like the perfect opportunity to transition from where you are in your life to where you want to go?

To release what isn't serving you and expand into all the infinite possibilities that are waiting for you?

I am looking for 6 people to go through my beta course, Infinite Possibilities - The Art of Changing Your Life!

The course will be taught virtually over 3 Sundays: November 5th, 12th, and 19th, at 10AM PST. Each session will be 2 hours.

The insights you will be receiving will catapult you into living the life you desire!

Let me know in the comments below if you'd like to apply to be a part of this amazing personal transformation course.

You will not regret it!

Infinite Possibilities - The Art of Changing Your Life

    Rhona Parsons, wearing a patterned dress, smiling with arms crossed
    Logo for BodyWorks with Rhona, featuring a stylized flower and text.
    Book cover for '21 Ways to Bring Balance Into Your Life' by Rhona Parsons
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    Book cover for 'Balance Yoga: Chair Yoga for Parkinson's Disease & Other Movement Disorders' by Rhona Parsons
    Book cover for 'bodyFiT Beyond the Scale' by Rhona Parsons, promoting a 6-week transformation program
    A blue wave graphic element

    Become an active participant in your life    |    Restore balance to your life    |    You deserve to live your best life!

    © 2020 by PILATES STUDIO.  All rights reserved.

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